Global R&D and Open Innovation Systems n°10, 2012/2 - pagesPages 3 à 22Coping with globalization: What are the driving forces of openness and spatial dynamics of innovation?Par Faouzi Bensebaa, Philippe BéraudPages 23 à 52Globalization of R&D and network innovation: what do we learn from the evolutionist theory?Par Dimitri Uzunidis, Sophie BoutillierPages 53 à 79The globalization of Research & Development in industrial corporations: Towards “reverse innovation”?Par Blandine Laperche, Gilliane LefebvrePages 81 à 105Open innovation, economy of contribution and the territorial dynamics of creative industriesPar Philippe Béraud, Viviane du Castel, Franck CormeraisPages 107 à 122Open innovation and joint patent applications: the case of greenhouse gas capture and storage technologiesPar Fabienne PicardPages 123 à 143The organizational social responsibility: a framework for the emergence of a new “innovation space” for clusters?Par Elise Marcandella, Renaud Garcia-Bardidia, Delphine Wannenmacher, Christophe SimonPages 145 à 165The Open Innovation model: some issues regarding its internal consistencyPar Danièle BénézechPages 167 à 190Open innovation and co-operation: which choice of means of protection for innovation?Par Delphine Gallaud, Maximilien NayaradouPages 191 à 217Public-private innovation networks and innovation activities in French service firmsPar Rabeh Morrar, Faïz Gallouj, Hakim HammadouPages 219 à 231The timing of innovation: an interpretation based on real options and game theoryPar Babacar Ndiaye