Arvind Ashta Liste des articlesPrépublication, 2024/0Entrepreneurship versus Intrapreneurship: Are the Antecedents Similar? A Cross-Country AnalysisN° 43, 2024/1Vanessa Casadella, Dimitri Uzunidis (eds) (2023), Agri-Innovations and Development Challenges: Engineering, Value Chains, and Socio-economic Models, Innovation in Engineering and Technology, London, ISTE/Wiley, 302 p.Trends and commentsn° 26, 2018/2A Tale of Three Musketeers of Alternative Finance: Stagnating Microcredit, Growing P2P Online Lending and Striving for Slow Moneyn°11, 2013/1Software as a service: An opportunity for disruptive innovation in the microfinance software market?n°11, 2013/1Contextualising microfinance researchn°9, 2012/1Brand Value Building in Online Social Lending Startupsn° 6, 2010/2Should online micro-lending be for profit or for philanthropy? DhanaX and Rang De